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Automatic Vacancy Posting to LinkedIn

Vacancies that have been added to In-recruiting can be automatically posted to LinkedIn, using the 'Multiposting on Job Boards' option on the Vacancy screen.


  • To use this feature, you need to have a business page on LinkedIn.

System Settings Configuration

Navigate to: System Settings >> General Settings >> Company Information

In the LinkedIn Information section, enter the Company ID and URL from LinkedIn.


Finding your LinkedIn Company ID

To find the Company ID:

Navigate to your Company's LinkedIn page

  1. Click See jobs.
  1. The Company ID will is in the URL as shown in the following screenshot:

Vacancy Page Configuration

To post the Vacancy to LinkedIn:

  1. Find the Vacancy you want to post to LinkedIn.
  2. Select the 2. Publishing tab.


  1. Make sure LinkedIn is set to Yes in the Multi-posting options.
  2. Select the relevant Industry type.
  3. (Optional) Select the Job Function.
  1. Click Publish. The Vacancy will be published to the LinkedIn feed and should appear on the site within 24 hours.