Implement 'SimpleSAMLphp' Single Sign-On
SimpleSAMLPHP can be used to set up Single Sign-On if you are running linux based systems and not Microsoft Windows Active Directory. This article shows how to set up this Single Sign-On with Cezanne.
1. Open a Terminal window
2. Run the following commands to install apache and php on your machine. When asked to continue in the installation of the applications type 'Y'
- Sudo apt-get update
- Sudo apt-get install apache2
- Sudo apt-get install php5
- If this command fails try to run: sudo apt-get install php5 --fix-missing
- It may also say that certain library files are unavailable (this is fine)
- Sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
- Sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
This warning for installing / starting / restarting apache is fine:

- Sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
- Sudo apt-get install php5-Idap
- Sudo dpkg --list | grep php
- This will return a list of packages installed for php
- Check that libapache2-mod-php5 is installed
- Check that php5-mcrypt is installed
- Check that php5-Idap is installed

3. Make a new file called “phpinfo.php” in the directory /var/www
- This is the default apache web route (May vary if already installed)
- If you don't have permissions to a file of direction the following command will grant you access:
- Sudo chmod a+rwx /Path/Directory(or file)
- In this case: Sudo chmod a+rwx /var/www)
- Inside this document add in the code:

4. Open the php config file located in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
- Inside this file move to the 'Dynamic Extensions' section
- Add the mcrypt extension to the bottom of the section
- Add this as the extension:

- Copy the mcrypt.ini file from the directory /etc/php5/cont.d to /etc/php5/mods-available
- In the terminal run the following commands:
- Sudo php5enmod mcrypt
- May return error if mcrypt.ini is not in the correct directory
- Sudo service apache2 restart

5. Go to your browser and go to the page localhost\phpinfo.php
- Inside this page check that there are sections for: date, dom, hash, libxml, mcrypt, openssl, pcre, SPL, zlib
6. Install simplesamlphp
- In the terminal run the following command:
- Sudo apt-get install simplesamlphp
- Sudo apt-get update
7. Create server certificates
- Make a new folder in the \var directory called certs
- In the terminal run the following command:
- Sudo openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -x509 -days 1460 -nodes -out /var/certs/simplesaml.crt -keyout /var/certs/simplesaml.pem
- You will be asked to fill out credentials for the certificate. FIll them out as best as possible.

- Sudo openssl x509 -inform PEM -in /var/certs/simplesamlphp.crt > /var/certs/simplesamlpublic.crt
- Check the /var/certs directory. You should see all three files there
- Simplesaml.crt : Certificate for use in simplesamlphp
- Simplesaml.pem : Certificates private key for use in simplesamlphp
- Simplesamlpublic.crt : Certificates public key to upload to Cezanne
8. Configure apache
- Open the apache2.conf file located in /etc/apache2
- Add the Alias tag below the items with the <Directory> tags

- Create a new folder in the /usr/share/simplesamlphp/www called mysimplesaml
- In the terminal run the following and restart the apache service
- Sudo a2enconf simplesamlphp
- Cd /usr/share/simplesamlphp/
- Sudo touch modules/exampleauth/enable
- Sudo service apache2 restart
- In your browser go to localhost/simplesamlphp and you should see the simplesamlphp installation page
9. Configure simplesamlphp config.php
- Open the config.php in the directory /etc/simplesamlphp
- Change the 'certdir' path to '/var/certs/'
- Uncomment and change the 'auth.adminpassword'
- Uncomment and change the 'secretsalt'
In the terminal to get a new secret salt run: sudo tr -c -d '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' </dev/urandom | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null;echo
- Change the technical contact name and e-mail addresses.
- Change the 'enable.saml20-idp' setting to true (You will need to enable this for other forms of authentication you may want to use).
- Change the 'enable.http_post' to True.
10. Configure simplesamlphp authsources.php
- Open the authsources.php in the directory /etc/simplesamlphp
- Uncomment the section for 'example-userpass'
- Edit that section until it looks like the code below:

- Exampleusername and examplepassword can be set to anything for testing purposes.
- Go to localhost/simplesamlphp in your browser and choose the authentication tab, then click the 'test configured authentication sources' option.
- Choose 'example-userpass' from the next list.

- Test the username and password you created above in this window.

11. Configure simplesamlphp saml20-idp-hosted.php
- Create a file called saml20-idp-hosted.php in the directory /etc/simplesamlphp/metadata
- Add the below code to set up the identity provider

12.Configure simplesamlphp saml20-sp-remote.php
- Create a file called saml20-sp-remote.php in the directory /etc/simplesamlphp/metadata
- <<companyidentifier>> is unique to each client
- Log in to Cezanne as an HR Professional.
- Navigate to: System Setup >> Security Settings >> Single Sign-On Configuration.
- Check SAML 2.0 and select the advanced configuration option beside it.
- Click Add New.

- Enter 'SimpleSAML' as the Display Name.
- Change the SAML Binding to 'Redirect'.
- Enter 'uid' in the User ID Attribute Name.
- The Entity Identifier should be one of the following two options:
- http://SERVERNAME/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/metadata.php
- http://LOCALIPADDRESS/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/metadata.php
- The Security Token Service Endpoint should be one of the following two options:
- http://SERVERNAME/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/SSOService.php
- http://LOCALIPADDRESS/simplesamlphp/saml2/idp/SSOService.php
- Also upload the Public Key Certificate that was made earlier (simplesamlpublic.crt).
- Select Save and Close.

- Search for a user you wish to set up for Single Sign-On
- Navigate to: System Setup >> Manage Users >> User Settings >> Single Sign-On tab:

- Select Add New in the SAML 2.0 Identifiers area
- Choose 'SimpleSAML' for the Identity Provider and enter 'exampleusername' as the User Identifier (This links to the user we made in section 10)
- Select Save.
- Log out of Cezanne.