Organization Charts
There are three charts available to view information about the structure of your organization, these are:
- Person Chart (Administration >> Charts >> Person Chart)
- Org Unit Chart (Administration >> Charts >> Org Unit Chart)
- Position Chart (Administration >> Charts >> Position Chart)
Each chart contains five options:
Jump to Top
This will build a chart from the very top of the organization (for the number of levels selected), not just the top of the branch/section that you are viewing. Depending on your company structure this could result in more than one hierarchical branch being displayed on the same chart.

You can select all of a chart's entries so the box form style can be applied to all of them at the same time. You can also choose to select none which performs the opposite action.

Page Fit Mode

There are four Page Fit Modes available:
- None - All boxes are displayed as normal with no collapsing.
- Page Height - The Chart attempts to layout and resize items to fit the whole chart into the available page height.
- Page Width - The Chart attempts to layout and resize items to fit the whole chart into the available page width.
- Fit to Page - The Chart attempts to layout and resize items to fit the whole chart into the available page size. (This will most likely look like either Page Width or Page Height).
The Fit to Page, Page Height and Page Width options try to fit as many boxes on the screen as possible based on the selection. If the chart cannot fit all the boxes, then some boxes will become dots. Hovering over a dot will show the box detail.
Box Form Style
Box Form Styles can be set over the whole chart or selected branches and determine how the Organization Chart lays out the boxes. The following options are available:

Lays the boxes out side by side.

Lays the boxes out in a tree / matrix format and can reduce the space taken up by the chart.

Places the boxes one below the other.

Automatically chooses the best Box Form Style for the bottom level of a chart so it is as compact as possible.
Number of Levels
You can select the number of levels you would like the chart to display.