Holiday Balance Search

The Holiday Balance Search enables Line Managers to report on and analyse holiday plan accrual calculations for their team.


  • Although this search is most commonly used to report on holiday plans, it will also return results for any accruable absence plan.
  • TOIL amounts are not included in any of the calculations on the Holiday Balance Search.

This article explains how to use Holiday Balance Search and includes the following sections:

Reference Date

The Reference Date, that determines which accrual year the calculation fields use, is available at the top of the Search screen.

  • The Reference Date defaults to Today or you can choose a specific date.
Calculation Fields

There are two types of available calculation fields on the Holiday Balance search:

1. Accrual Total Fields

Accrual Total Fields - these 6 fields pull through calculated values for an entire accrual year, and therefore always give an overall picture of an employee's entitlement. The accrual year is determined by the year the search's Reference Date falls in. This include:

  • Accrued Entitlement
  • Carry Over
  • Adjustments
  • Total Entitlement
  • Total Taken
  • Total Remaining
2. At Reference Date Fields

At Reference Date Fields - these 5 fields pull through calculated point-in-time values, for an accrual year, based on the search's Reference Date. They can be used, for example, to determine if an employee’s booked holiday has been taken or is still planned, at a specific date. This includes:

  • Adjustment (at Ref. Date)
  • Total Entitlement (at Ref. Date)
  • Taken (at Ref. Date)
  • Remaining (at Ref. Date)
  • Planned (at Ref. Date)

The following example shows how the Holiday Balance search calculation fields may work. However, depending on each employee's Holiday Plan configuration their results may be calculated slightly differently.

Field At Ref. Date 1 At Ref. Date 2
Accrued Entitlement 24 24
Carry Over 1 1
Adjustments 3 3
Total Entitlement 28 28
Total Taken 6 6
Total Remaining 22 22
Adjustments (at Ref. Date) 0 3
Total Entitlement (at Ref. Date) 25 28
Taken (at Ref. Date) 1 3
Remaining (at Ref. Date) 24 25
Planned (at Ref. Date) 5 3