Calendar Basics
The Calendar shows all Absence Events, Calendar Events, Development Activities and Public Holidays for you and your colleagues (based on filter groups).
- The default view is Month.
- Opens the current month (with today's date highlighted).
- Depending on your role and security policy, you will be able to add some or all of your colleagues to the calendar using filter groups.
To change between the available views, click the buttons in the top-right corner of your calendar.

- Month - Displays events for the selected month (all employee events on a single calendar).
- Timeline Month - Displays events for the selected month (one row per employee).
- Week - Displays events for the selected week (one row per employee).
- Day - Displays events for a single day (one row or column per employee).
The Date controls can be found in the top-left corner of the Calendar.

- Use the single arrows to move forward or backward by a month, week or day (depending on view).
- Use the Date picker to select a specific date.
- Click Today to return to the current day.
The PDF option enables you to export the currently displayed calendar view as a PDF file.

When using the Month view, if there are more than four absence events on a given day, only four will be shown by default with three dots to indicate that there are more events for that day. The Show All Events button enables you to see all absence events for all days.

The Calendar in Cezanne displays the following five types of events:
When using the Month view, absence events span a full day. If the event is only a half day absence, an icon is displayed which indicates whether it is the first half or second half of the day.