Request an Absence
There are a number of places where you can request an absence in Cezanne:
- Absences Screen
- My Absences Summary Widget
- Annual Overview
- Mobile App
- Click the Add Absence button (from any of the above).

- Select the relevant Absence Plan and click OK:

- Select the Start and End Dates
- Choose when the Absence Commences and Finishes
- (Optional) Select an Absence Reason and enter any relevant Notes.
- (Optional) Click Save before submitting to review the Total Time Taken for the absence.
- Select Submit Request to send to your Approving Manager.

To request a half day for the first half of your day, ensure you have selected 'Middle of the Day' under Finishes.
To request a half day for the last half of your day, ensure you have selected 'Middle of the Day' under Commences.
Click Submit Request
Depending on your system configuration, you may be able to edit the Working Hours of a particular day you want to submit an absence. This enables you to request an absence for a specific amount of time.
- Select the day of your absence.
- Select the part of the day to request your absence.
- Click Save.
- Click View Hours.
- Edit your Working Hours Taken by clicking on the pencil icon and changing the time.
- Click Save.
- Click Submit Request.